UX/UI Product Design Services – 1 Month Plan


Successful checkout and payment of one of the retainer plans below constitute as acceptance for the terms on the Retainer Terms and Conditions page for a period of 1 month. By completing payment for this product/service you also guarantees that you have the full authority to enter into this agreement and to bind your respective party to all of the terms and conditions of this agreement.

Thank you for choosing Wodobo Design LLC! We look forward to working with you!

SKU: uxui1mo Category:


Components of Retainer:


  1. Guaranteed response time of 1 business day (response time, not execution time).
  2. Time needed, beyond the selected plan in a given month, will be billed separately at the end of the month at a rate based on  $125 per hour.
  3. Time needed beyond hours in a given month will be subject to Wodobo Design’s availability given existing schedule and commitments.


  1. Though we strive for excellence and will do everything in our power to meet goals, the client understands that this engagement does not guarantee specific outcomes as a result of this engagement. Work will be completed and delivered as agreed upon throughout the course of the project.
  2. Client will be responsible for providing all original content and (i.e. photos, copy, blog posts, etc).
  3. Expenses for fonts & other asset licenses would be billed separately, with prior approval by Client.
  4. Time accrual may vary from week to week and may be subject to availability. Time accrual totals will be provided upon request.
  5. Reserved hours not used in a given month do not carry over into subsequent months.
  6. In the event that additional team members become available to work on the partnership, We may recommend adding resources and speeding up the process thus updating the monthly hours and price point. This would be mutually agreed to in writing in the format of a Change Order before any decision is finalized. Such a Change Order may also alter the Period of this Agreement.
Read Full Agreement Here

Additional information

UX retainer

1 hr/week (4 Hrs/month @ $125/hr), 2 hrs/week (8 hrs/month @ $125/hr), 4 hrs/week (16 hrs/month @ $100/hr), 8 hrs/week (32 hrs/month @ $100/hr), 12 hrs/week (48 hrs/month @ $100/hr), 15 hrs/week (60 hrs/month @ $100)